Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Assignment #1 Results / Diagram for Assignment #2

Here's how my assignment #1 turned out. Location: Bushwick Motel, Brooklyn NY.

Since the door to the room was at the opposite side of the room and unable to fit in the shot, I wanted to recreate the shadow of the door in the Todd Hido shot using the TV set. Because the room was so tiny, I ended up bouncing the softbox off the ceiling to avoid lens flare. I also had a silver reflector on the floor to the right of the boots to fill in a bit of the shadows on the bottom right of the frame. Here's a shot of the set-up:

And here's my inspiration and diagram for Assignment #2 based on William Eggleston's "5x7" book:

I plan to either hand-hold myself or have an assistant hand-hold a q-flash above and to the right slightly of the camera aimed at the subject in a bar setting. I expect the power of the flash will need to be somewhat low so as to illuminate the subject only, with only people and objects within 1-2 feet of the subject being also lit, then quickly falling off to black.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Assignment #1

The image on the left is by Todd Hido from his motel room series. The diagram on the right is how I would recreate this shot. While it appears in the original shot that Hido likely used natural light coming into the room from the open door and window (not seen in the image) on the same wall as the door, I plan to rely on a strobe with a softbox. Also, in order to get the TV to white-out, I would set the shutter speed to 1 sec and have the room dark so that once the strobe pops, the only light in the room is from the tv set for the remainder of the exposure.